
The Top Shopify Tips for Revenue Growth

Written by Hardeep singh | Oct 30, 2023 2:28:37 PM

Ecommerce success depends on continuously testing and optimizing to stay ahead in a dynamic landscape. For Shopify merchants, small tweaks can yield big sales dividends if based on proven best practices. This guide distills key strategies for elevating conversion rates, traffic, average order value and more using features within Shopify’s platform. Implementing even a few of the following tips can kickstart revenue growth for online businesses.

Optimize for Mobile
Mcommerce now accounts for over 70% of online sales. Mobile optimization is essential for merchants to capitalize on this revenue stream. Shopify makes mobile customization accessible without coding through its responsive themes. 

Start by picking a high converting theme designed for mobile like Dawn, Brooklyn, or Debut. Ensure images and fonts resize properly across devices. Use large tap targets, bottom navigation menus, and lightweight graphics. Provide phone specific directions. Avoid pop-ups and interstitials. Simplify payment flows with Shop Pay. Checkout one-page scrolling or horizontal themes. Test sites on multiple devices. Enable accelerometers. Personalize with location data.  

Mobile optimizations like these can lift conversion rates. “We redesigned our entire site for mobile-first using Shopify sections and saw mobile sales increase 42%,” reported fitness apparel retailer Vengo founder Sabina Corzo. “It was a huge revenue boost and worth the effort.”

Site Search is Key
On average, 50% of site visitors use search to find products. Optimizing search relevancy lifts conversion rates by providing a path to purchase. Shopify offers native search options to highlight results.

Start by identifying key terms customers seek using Shopify search analytics. Tailor search autocomplete with synonym mapping. Display suggested and related searches. Prioritize results by sales velocity. Feature visual search matches prominently. Implement intelligent keyword redirecting. Enable predictive text functionality. Test different layouts for search pages.  

“We optimized our Shopify search to map customer keywords to matching products,” said electronics retailer Ableton CEO Ryan Edwards. “Our search conversion rate doubled almost immediately. It was one of the highest ROI changes we’ve made.”

Refine Product Pages  
Product pages are the battlefield where brands compete for customer attention. Refining page design, content, media, calls-to-action and customization features compels visitors to add items to cart.

Begin with a minimalist page layout focused on the product itself. Craft compelling titles and descriptions emphasizing benefits. Incorporate high-quality images, video, and 3D models. Add social proof elements like reviews. Enable product zooming and rotation. Link to related products and cross-sells. Include size or variant guides. Incorporate vivid calls-to-action. Allow customization if relevant. 

“We built immersive, magazine-style product pages on Shopify using smart recommendations and sharp imagery,” stated luxury watch brand Manuela Bar founder Sabastian Lund. “It aligns perfectly with our brand while converting visitors to customers.”

Transactional Email Marketing 
Transactional emails like order confirmations, shipping notices and abandoned cart reminders seem routine. But optimizing these messages can nudge more customers through the purchase funnel.  

Personalize subject lines and content dynamically using merge tags. Send cart abandonment emails offering discounts or free shipping. Make order confirmation links easy to access. Share shipping updates proactively. Encourage product reviews after delivery. Reward loyalty program members. Promote referral discounts. Cross-sell complementary or bundled products. Offer concierge customer support contact options.

“We designed branded, visually engaging transactional emails that made key actions more prominent,” said homegoods e-tailer LinenStudio head of marketing Vishesh Khurana. “Clicks and repeat purchases from these messages doubled. It was a quick win.”

Leverage Loyalty Programs
Loyalty programs encourage repeat purchases and valuable customer evangelism. Shopify makes creating customized membership experiences easy without code.  

Offer tiered benefits like free shipping, early access to sales, and member-only promotions. Provide exclusive merchandise or content. Implement point systems to reward engagement. Enable easy signup during checkout. Send targeted email campaigns to members. Promote loyalty programs prominently throughout site. Let members track their standing and progress.  

“We built a paid Shopify membership program offering referral bonuses, early access to new arrivals and VIP discounts,” said apparel brand THML CEO Lara Jones. “Our member cohort consistently has far higher lifetime value and lower turnover.”

Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment
Recovering abandoned carts is crucial for maximizing revenue. Shopify’s recovery email feature lets you bring customers back automatically.  

First identify why carts are abandoned - high costs, extra steps, lack of trust. Then craft targeted email offers like discounted shipping, percentage-off coupons, or free gift add-ons to incentivize return. Send reminders quickly but with appropriate frequency caps. Allow easy re-entry to the checkout process. Provide multiple contact options like chatbots. Customize messaging across visitor segments for greater relevancy. 

“We used our Shopify data to identify and target at-risk abandoning customers with tailored offers,” explained fashion brand Cruvoir CEO Sanjay Singh. “Our recovery rate improved over 20%, adding directly to the bottom line.”

Offer Free Shipping 
Free shipping entices customers to buy more and reduces cart abandonment. Shopify simplifies setting conditional free shipping such as over order value thresholds.

Consider free shipping on all purchases or orders over a minimum amount. Set different rules per product variants. Extend free shipping for limited promotional periods. Provide free shipping to loyalty program members. Display savings compared to standard shipping at checkout. Allow customers to select slower shipping methods to meet thresholds. Show progress trackers towards free shipping order amounts.  

“We began providing free 2-day shipping on orders over $50, and our average order value increased by 22%,” said crafts marketplace JoieDeVivre owner Amanda Lee. “Even with shipping costs, we saw a noticeable bump in revenue.”  

Optimize Checkout
Optimizing checkout layout, payment methods, trust factors and speed are proven ways to lift conversion. Shopify offers customizable one and two-page checkouts.  

Reduce checkout fields to essentials only. Allow easy guest checkout. Pre-fill customer data from previous purchases. Make prominent use of Shop Pay for faster, easier payments. Feature trust badges and security guarantees. Offer multiple payment types like installments or digital wallets. Prioritize mobile-friendly design with contextual keyboards. Enable auto-save for later completion. Provide chat/phone support during checkout.   

“We redesigned our Shopify checkout using their scripts to highlight trust signals and product images,” remarked luxury retailer Emerson & Wade CMO Denise Yang. “Reduced friction led to a 5X increase in mobile conversion practically overnight.”

Personalize the Experience
Personalization tailors messaging, product recommendations and offers to each visitor’s interests for higher relevance and engagement. Shopify’s scripts help customize experiences.

Welcome recognized customers by name. Show recently viewed or abandoned cart items first. Give smart product suggestions based on purchase history. Display dynamic content blocks based on interests and attributes. Provide personalized promotions like free shipping or birthday discounts. Recommend complementary products from the same brand. Prioritize cross-sells from frequently purchased combinations. Offer add-ons to build gift sets. Enable 1:1 messaging with support staff.

“We built personalized user journeys on our Shopify Plus store that radically boosted engagement and satisfaction,” said big data expert Dr. Claire McAllister. “The ability to easily adapt experiences to each visitor is game changing.”

Pursuing even a handful of these tactics could set your Shopify store on the path to higher revenues. With clever implementation, merchants can leverage Shopify’s extensive commerce features to attract, engage and convert more customers. The strategies above represent battle tested techniques for any brand seeking to maximize success. Combine data-driven flexibility with proven best practices to craft a winning commerce formula.